Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New Territory

Kenna has hit a stage that Morgan never went through. I'll give a history of Morgan and then tell you about where Kenna is.

Morgan learned to crawl at 6 months, but she was never really good at it. She only used it as a way to get to something to pull up to stand and cruise around (walk while holding onto things). A couple of days before she turned 10 months old, I was holding her hands and she was walking to her dad. She let go of my hands and walked the rest of the way to him (about 5 steps). Those were her first un-aided steps. On the day she hit 10 months, she stood up and walked around our entire living room - we stopped counting steps at 47! So, she never passed through that take-a-few-steps-and-fall-down learning to walk stage.

Kenna also learned to crawl around 6 months (although it was later in the sixth month than with Morgan). She is better at that than Morgan was, and she just in the last month has started really cruising around the furniture. In the last couple of days she has begun to actively find something to stand and push around the house (specifically a toy I bought at Goodwill for her months ago because Morgan wore the same toy out by 10 months). Did I mention that Kenna is 10 months now. :) We were actually just as pleased to see the 10 month mark come and go without a walking baby. Last night, she actively tried to walk between us. Morgan felt very important to help her little sister by catching her when she fell on us. Kenna took a few steps with assistance, then took a few steps without before falling down (because she reached too far with her hands).

So, we're on the road to another early walker, but I'm hoping that we've got at least another month or so. I'll post a video of it when I catch it.

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