Sunday, February 03, 2008

The end of an era?

Some of you may know my eldest child's facination, fixation, and attachment to a certain part of my anatomy (aka the mole).

For several months now, I have occassionally told Morgan that when she gets bigger she will no longer touch the mole. I've also occassionally asked her when she will stop touching the mole. Until about a week ago the answer was usually "When I am 5" or some other answer that made me want to cringe because it was not in the immediate future.

All of that changed about a week ago. One evening, while Morgan and I were snuggled down in bed for bed-time-routine, I asked her when she would stop touching the mole.

Momma: When will you be all done touching the mole, Morgan?

Morgan: When I am big, Momma.

Momma: When will you be big, Morgan?

Morgan: 5 days!

Momma: In 5 days you will be big and will not touch the mole anymore?

Morgan: Yes.

Momma: Should I write that on the calendar?

Morgan: Yes! Write it on the calendar.

Momma: Ok, we will write it on the calendar.

After this, I forgot to write it on the calendar; however, I did not forget the sentiment. So, everynight, I asked her how many more days she had to touch the mole. She counted down from 5. The night that left us with 3 more days, I figured I better make sure she knew what she was saying. So, I told her that we would have two more days, then one more day, then we would be done with the mole. She said that one more day made her sad. At that point I figured all bets were off for this whole weaning from the mole process.

But she kept right on counting down! At last we reached the day with no more mole. It was a Friday - I was home with the girls all day. I didn't figure this would bode well for weaning day. As it turns out, Morgan did pretty well starting the day. There was an obvious lack of touching as soon as she got out of bed.

However, as she was having a bit of a meltdown at the gym, she wanted the mole for comfort and said "Momma, I'm not big yet. I'm still little." "Drat!" is the only thing I could think at that moment. I told her that she was big in some ways and little in others, and that she could still touch the mole after we got our things together.

Friday total mole time: about 5 minutes (couple of touchings)
Saturday total mole time: about 2 mintues (over two times)
Sunday total mole time: about 45 seconds (one touch)

We may be in the home stretch friends! When she finally gives it up for an entire day, I will put it on the calendar!

It is funny. I've been waiting, wishing, dreaming of this end to mole-fixation for about a year and a half now. It is a bit sad to see it go, but I'm not going to stop this one.

The reduction in mole time, is coinsiding with an increase of "I want my Daddy!" Which is going over well from both parents in this house.

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