Sunday, September 20, 2009

Who has been taking pictures?

Morgan obviously got a hold of the camera sometime while Kenna was hamming it up.

I found the picture above while looking through the ones I downloaded a week or so ago. I had no idea this was there.

Below you'll see my three bathing beauties.

ETA: Deleted photo due to rampant idiocy of folks and pictures of cute kids in baths.

During one of the famous date night treats, Mike and I took all of the kids (7 of them including Moxen) to the Circus! I didn't get many photos of the action, but you can see the kids are enjoying the show high in the sky.

And, if you are wondering how you corral six 2-4 year old children...learn from the best. Use the pre-school teacher trick and give them a rope to hold!

The most exciting part of the circus for the adults was seeing the protesters with signs about protecting the elephants at the gate. This circus was so small, the only animals involved were some exuberant dogs and fat donkeys.

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