Saturday, March 17, 2007

Home again

We returned from that week-long road trip relatively unscathed. It actually was quite nice to visit new places, old friends, and old places.

While on the road, Kenna manged to (finally) successfully roll from her belly to her back. She had the back to belly thing figured out for a while now. I realize that she did these things in the "incorrect" order, but you can't tell her that. :) Anyway, back to the rolling thing. She managed to pull this feat off while Michael and I were setting up the tent. Let's just say that we put her on the trailer, a nice safe distance from the edge, and within a couple of minutes she was on the ground yelling. Luckily she landed on the freshly placed sand on the tent pad. It was not too firmly packed; so, she was scared, but not injured. Still, not one of my proudest moments.

An item that ranks near the top of our list in usefulness is the little portable potty that we have stashed in the van. Morgan made use of that potty more times than I can remember during our week long trip. It folds up the size of a dinner plate and comes with small disposable bags; so, you can just dump the "stuff" no fuss- no muss at your next pit stop.

One of my favorite memories from the trip involves a trip down a dead-end road. We looked on the map (you know that fairly crappy one that you can pick up at Wal-Mart for about 5 bucks?) and found a campground (as indicated by the little tent on the map) in the general direction that we were headed. Upon driving down several roads we found that what we really had was a place you can pitch a tent and not campground. It was getting late, Morgan was hungry, her parents were hungry, Kenna was over the car seat. So, we decided to go ahead and cook dinner there even though we knew we were not going to camp at the end of the road (that is right at some one's driveway). Michael and I were a bit disappointed at the circumstances, but we were up for making the best of it. Morgan reminded us how good the circumstances were by declaring with glee "We're having a picnic in the dark!"

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