Thursday, September 13, 2007

Daily changes

You know you always think that infants grow so fast, and then when they're toddlers you realize that all kids no matter how old really change daily.

Morgan now has empathy - at least for her sister, sometimes. Previously when Kenna was crying Morgan would run to her saying "It's OK Kenna, Morgan's coming." Or some other equally cute words that sound rather like what I say regularly. Or she would ignore it completely.

In the last few days, when Morgan hears Kenna crying, or just fussing a little, she says "Momma pick Kenna up. She's crying; she needs you." Or "Momma, Kenna needs some more milk." She is beginning to realize that Kenna's cries mean something and that Momma can and even more importantly should fix it.

Speaking of daily changes. Kenna now takes about 5 steps before she falls down. She occassionally will walk away from me to some inanimate object, but mostly she's still walking between Mom and Dad. She is pretty darn proud of herself when she does walk between us. Often I think she's even more proud when she walks from the couch to the chaise lounge.

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