Monday, September 10, 2007

Why oh Why?

Morgan has officially entered into the "why" stage. It has not hit full force yet, but I'm sure we'll see the increase daily.

Mike installed a child carrier on the back of my bicycle. I took Morgan for a ride around the block in it to see how she liked it. Later when we were going on our "Family Ride" from the store, we decided to try Kenna out in the seat to see how she liked it. The trouble was that Morgan wanted to ride there. She also wanted to eat goldfish crackers; so, we told her that if she wanted the goldfish she had to ride in the trailer and not in the seat on my bike.

Mike: Morgan you can't eat the goldfish while you ride on Momma's bike.

Morgan: But why not Daddy?

He did not miss a beat, he just explained why (because if she dropped them they would be lost), she did finally get in the trailer and let her sister ride on my bike.

As soon as she asked the question, I though, "that's a good questions." Then I realized what she had just said. As far as we can remember this is the first time she asked us "Why."

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