Tuesday, May 06, 2008

More Happy Camping

We've vowed to get outside together more as a family. Last weekend we headed out to the Red River Gorge for camping and hiking. After stopping to fill up with gas (read that as spent our life savings to put gas in the van), and a visit to a nearby Civil War Fort, we decided to forgo the long drive and just camp out at Boonesborough State Park. It was a Sunday afternoon; so, we had the camping area pretty much to ourselves.

While Morgan was off exploring and Michael was setting up camp and cooking dinner, I spent some quality time with Kenna.

Many people would consider rainy conditions as a sure nightmare for camping, but we had an enjoyable time. Morgan and Kenna didn't mind the wet weather at all since they were soaked from the nearby creek anyway. Morgan ended up wearing every bit of clothing we brought for her. Good thing we were only staying one night anyway. Each change of clothing coincides with a significant water event - falling in the creek, getting soaked by the rain, or sliding down the slide - think water shoot at the pool.

First outfit of the outing. Time worn while camping: about 3 hours (hiking, setting up tent, playing in creek). Reason for change: Falling in the creek. This is what she wanted to wear earlier in the day before we decided to pack up and go camping. It was spur of the moment, and we didn't want to fight changing. Note to anyone who buys clothes for my kids, they'll wear anything anywhere; so, don't expect it to last or keep clean.
Here's the happy camper in her post creek clothing. These clothes lasted about 1 hour. The slip-in-slide on the playground did the shorts in. We don't have a picture of the pants that she changed into after playing on the playground. I think those lasted the evening until PJ time.

In the morning, she's sporting a whole new outfit while playing in the creek. Total time worn: 30 minutes. Reason for change: Falling in creek - I'm starting to see a pattern here.

The final change. She only had the one warm jacket - that fell in the creek. She's got my thermal undershirt on, and stockings. At this point we decided that everyone had enjoyed the wet weather too much. We packed up and headed home around mid morning on Monday.

As we were driving home we realized that we still don't have our weekends straight yet. Morgan missed school because we completely forgot that we were supposed to take her that day! I occasionally hear her reenacting that with her animals! Good thing this is an easy going pre-school/play-school environment and not one of those public school, your kids better be here or we're coming after you places.

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