Thursday, May 29, 2008

Trust Your Gut!

I try to live by this motto. I try to teach my children the same thing. I hope that it pays off for them and that I learn to listen to mine a bit more.

This evening after getting the kids to bed, I went out to clean out my van. Mike was out getting videos from the video store.

I came into the house with an armload of things to put away. I headed straight through the house toward my bedroom depositing things in their rightful places as I went. While walking through the kitchen, I thought to myself "now that Kenna can climb out of her bed we've really got to make sure to lock that door every night." As I entered my room, the breeze was blowing in from outside. After putting things away, I decided to sit on the window seat and view the backyard (we've done lots in the last few months to make it a nice view). As I got closer to the window, I thought I heard the sounds of birds...or was that children.

Upon looking down, I saw my two beautiful night-gowned beauties walking in the backyard. As I type this I wish I had waited and watched them to see exactly what they would do. Morgan was headed toward the "beach" and "ocean" we installed today; Kenna was just getting down from the patio steps.

In that moment of course, I admired their beauty, and promptly called them into the house. Morgan told me that they had been looking for me everywhere . "You should have been in bed momma because we wanted to come sleep with you." Sweet, but uh, what the heck are you doing outside in the middle of the night? Really it was only about 9:45, but still - no going into the back yard alone after dark.

So, as soon as my gut reminded me to lock the back door at bedtime, I should have immediately headed toward the backyard to find the gypsies. Or at least realized immediately that it was the sound of my children in the yard, and headed for the camera.

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