Words of Wisdom from Kenna. This information is for all of those little sisters or brothers out there who have a big sister hanging around. Read it with care.
What big sisters are good for:
1. smacking you on the head, which makes you cry
2. pouring water unexpectedly over your head, which sometimes makes you cry and sometimes makes you giggle
3. biting your fingers, which always makes you cry
4. laying on top of you, which sometimes makes you cry and sometimes makes you giggle
5. climbing in bed next to you to read you books while you're sleeping, which makes you cry and then smile
6. yelling while you're just drifting off to sleep, which makes you wake up crying
7. snatching toys from your hands, which makes you fall over, bonk your head and cry
8. shaking a stuffed animal in your face while making silly noises, which makes you giggle like crazy
9. telling your mom or dad that you're eating something you shouldn't, which makes you cry when they come to take it away from you
10. giving hugs that make you giggle so hard you fall over and bonk your head and cry
Basically, big sisters are good for making you cry and making you laugh.