Thursday, July 19, 2007

Naps take over my mind

With my thoughts turning toward the coming of the new school year, I'm obsessed with figuring out how to get both kids to nap at the same time. So far in my quest I can get them to overlap by 20 minutes to an hour. If I expect to get any work done without having to pay someone to sit at my house every afternoon while I work in my office, I'm going to have to get better at it than this.

Today, my obsession came at the expense of remembering that Morgan had a doctor's appointment set for this afternoon. This morning I reminded Mike that I would bring Kenna (if she were in a good mood) to the shop when I took Morgan to the doctor. Then when lunch was upon us and Kenna was still napping, I was trying to figure out how late I would try to go before putting Morgan down for a nap so that she would wake up on her own in a good mood but early enough to not interfere with our plans to go to the pool or her bed time.

With all of that over exaggerated thinking and planning I completely forgot that she had a doctor's appointment at 2 PM until it was 2:37. It's a bit late at that point to get the kids loaded up to drive over there. I called and they rescheduled me, but dang it. That was one thing we were gonna get done this week.

Ahh, well. I made the next visit for in the morning so it (hopefully) won't foil my attempts to have dual napping kids.

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