Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Morgan Jo aka the fish

We've been working to help Morgan keep comfortable in the water and to learn to propell herself. We've been going to the "big pool" at least once a week (as I mentioned earlier I think). We were having a really hard time getting her to actually move toward us while swimming.

This week we went to visit a friend with a pool and Morgan wore those swimmy arm things. While wearing those she figured out how to move herself in the water to get to where she wanted to be. She of course was swimming with her head above the water in that instance, but she was moving.

Yesterday we got to test her new forward momentum skills at the pool. The swimmy arm things seemed to have given her just the edge she needed. Now, she can jump off of the wall and swim a foot or two toward us. She also reaches our her arms to grab onto the wall while swimming underwater and kicking hard to get to the wall. I'm hoping to take a camera the next time we go to the pool to give you a real view of how well she is swimming.

I just can't say enough about the Diaper Dolphin swimming video that we have. It has really helped me know what to do to help her keep comfortable and learn to swim. I recommend it to anyone who has a youngster.

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