Saturday, November 24, 2007

500 and 560

These nubers are supposedly the measure of my potential to succeed in graduate school.

I'm fairly certain that I'm not the only one who thinks that my potential to succed is higher than my ability to remember and apply all of those geometry and other random theories from high school math (I didn't have to take anything except statistics in college). Over 6 years ago when I toook the GRE I had a 600 hundred on the math. A full 100 points higher than now.

I do have to agree that verbal ability is an indicator of something academic. Heck, you do have to know words to read millions of obscure articles and then to write an even more obscure dissertation. ;)

I'm not thrilled with the scores, but I'm not so disappointed that I'm going to shell out another $140 to see if I can improve by a few points.

In case you didn't know. I'm applying to a doctoral program in Communications at UK. Should know by the end of February if I am accepted. At that point we'll actually decide if we can make this happen. If I do go, this blog may turn into how to survive grad school while mothering - or something similar.

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