Monday, November 26, 2007

It was bound to happen

I'm sure many of you have done it, though you're likely to willing admit it.

Michael and I both left Morgan and Kenna today! OK, really I lost track of time and didn't go to pick Morgan up from school. Luckily when I called Michael to see if he picked her up he was already on his way home with her. He was planning to pick her up and was not phased by the fact that I did not.

Although he was a bit quick to get off the phone with me, I assumed that was because I told him I had been in a meeting and lost track of time. Later when I talked to him again he revealed the hidden reason for quickly hanging up.

He had been at home this morning working on household projects and when he noticed the time it was 11:25 (5 minutes before time to pick up Morgan). He quickly hightailed it to the truck, drove to school, jumped out of the truck and rushed in the door to Morgan's building. It was about that time that he remember that Kenna was napping in her bed at home! So, when I talked with him on the phone at 11:31, he was hurrying to get back home before Kenna woke up and realized that she was alone.

She was still sleeping peacefully when he got home. Potentially she could live her whole life not knowing that she was left home alone at 13 months old - except that her momma is writing it in the blog for all of the world to read (not that I actually have a readership, but you get the idea)!

1 comment:

Deborah Jackson said...

Now, that's just FUNNY STUFF! I can't say we've left the boys anywhere yet, you say, it is BOUND to happen!

Don't worry, it'll happen again to you too, when they're old enough to give you hell about it!