Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Naps are for Mommas

Yes, it is true that children need naps. If they don’t get enough sleep they can get quite grouchy, but the real reason that moms require naps of young children is because moms need the break! Here are a few reasons/things I do (in no particular order and not exhaustive) when my kids nap:

1. take a nap
2. read
3. get the bookkeeping done
4. pay the bills
5. investigate the policies, etc for my new job
6. eat chocolate (or whatever) without having to share
7. grocery shop (If you haven’t tried EW James shop from home service you should)
8. check e-mail in peace
9. stare off into space
10. dream about riding my bike
11. catch up on reading Gretchen's blog (
12. clean my house

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