Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Picky Eaters

You know two-year old children are notorious for being picky eaters. Well, Morgan in many ways is an exception to that rule. She eats a wide variety of healthy foods. She does eat "junk" food just like the rest of us, but she is just as (or possibly more) likely to choose strawberries as her snack instead of chocolate frosted cupcakes. This was proven at a recent playdate at the park!

But, she is quite picky in the plate, cup, or utensils that she will use. The other day I was working on a Christmas gift for Michael and in the craft drawer she found an ashtray. It is really a beautiful thing - blue and white pattern. It was picked up in Mexico from friends who live in Texas - interestingly enough they sent it to use as a Christmas gift the same year Michael stopped smoking.

Well, later when she wanted vegetable soup as a snack, I put the soup in one of her bowls. She immediately started yelling at me that she didn't want that bowl. She wanted the blue plate! I'm not sure if a cigarette has ever even touched the ashtray, but I quickly washed it and transferred the soup to the "plate." She ate 3 large helpings in that ashtray!

The moral of this story? Picky eaters are quite common. If they want to eat vegetable soup in an ashtray go for it; it's better than eating ice cream in their bowl.

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