Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Compact

At my friend Gretchen's blog I learned about something called "The Compact." The basic concept is to take a break from buying new things. Her challenge is for February. I was up for and it and talked to Michael about it. He was willing to try it too. We figured "Why wait" so, we're already starting.

I used to rarely buy new things. Used items were my staples. Since I started earning a decent living for myself, I found myself buying new for most everything. I'm not big on shopping; so, I think I kept the habit of shopping new (evevn though we've been only partially employeed for the last year and a half) because I didn't have to go "digging and scrounging" for what I wanted.

Today we had the first opportunity to put compacting to the test. I was in serious need of some new work clothes. I have not gotten my shape back after having Kenna and I had to start work this week. In addition to clothing for my bottom half not fitting, none of my "professional" shirts fit either. I think since Morgan was still nursing during more than half of my pregnancy with Kenna, the normal gain in bra size when nursing a baby was compounded.

While Morgan was visiting Ms. Margaret (her new childcare provider) Mike and I went to the Salvation Army store in town. We chose that thrift store because we'd never stopped by there before.

It was our lucky day. We went through the blouses and pants racks. Michael is a great helper because he will keep looking and hand me additonal things to try on while I'm in the dressing room. I found about 8 new shirts and 3 pair of pants and a skirt to buy. The shirts were marked $1.99 each. Pants were slightly more expensive. The great news is that they were having a "bag sale." The cashier handed out plastic garbage bags and told us that we could put as many fabric items in the bag as we could fit. The price for the entire bag was $4! I basically got a new wardrobe for $4 and 30 minures of my time.

So far I'm liking the renewal of my more frugal shopping ways. I just wish I had read Gretchen's post before I went to Lexington and bought a new breastpump (thanks Gretchen for the parts, they are for the same brand I bought).

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