Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm a recovering addict

It is true! I have all of the classic symptoms:
  1. shaky if I don't get my fix,
  2. Irritable,
  3. irresistible urge to get the stuff now,
  4. Obsessive thoughts about the object of my desire.

Michael and I began phase 1 of the South Beach Diet (again). The diet is really a lifestyle change and we (along with the rest of Mike's family) began following the principles of the diet about a year and a half ago when his mom had a heart attack.

There are three phases of the plan. Phase 1 is the most strict about what you can and can't eat. Basically the goal of phase 1 is to break your addiction to unhealthy carbs (refined processed sugar, white flour, white rice, etc.). We were successful in doing this before and we lived in phase 3 for a long time. In phase 3 you eat pretty much whatever you want, but you pay attention to how much and when you're having carbs so the addictive nature of them doesn't take over.

We hit the point where we weren't watching them so much anymore and they are all over us again. I can tell you that Sunday and Monday were some difficult days around here! I'm feeling much better today.

By the third day of any new venture it starts to become comfortable and routine. Today was my turning point in overcoming the addiction. I attended a training session at work today. When I arrived there were donuts, fruit juice, and pizza available. I was really glad I had my bag of nuts and my water bottle with me. Sitting in the front and opposite side of the room from the food was also helpful. I didn't go near the table with the food. I didn't stare longingly. I didn't even think about the pizza and donuts after the first glance.

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