Monday, May 28, 2007

River Guides Again

Michael and I got to guide a trip down the Kentucky River today. It was a rather short jaunt – about 5 miles. I think we took our youngest patrons yet. Morgan, 2 and a half, took her first down river canoe trip. And Kenna, 7 months, took her first canoe trip ever. Speaking of firsts, it was our first trip down this section of river as well. We should have done it earlier.

The girls (and their guides) had a delightful day. The weather was perfect. We were on the river before the river became crowded. We did not have any mishaps.

Morgan had a great time leaning over the side of the canoe and running her hands in the water. While “on shore” she had a splendid time swimming. She really was proud of herself for moving so well in the water. We of course are delighted that she still likes it so much. She wasn’t too fond of the craw-dads (crayfish) that she saw in the creek. I think she preferred to think of it as her own little swimming pool – not where the animals live.

Kenna, after become more comfortable in her PFD (personal floatation device), enjoyed the trip. She slept for a good bit of it in my lap while I paddled. I wasn’t much help to Michael during the paddling today though, because she was in my lap the whole time. Because she’s still so small, when she sits with the PFD on, it is just a little longer than her torso; so, it lifts her chin up. That really makes her angry. As long as I was holding her, she was content to look around and watch her sister leaning out of the boat. At rest stops she enjoyed playing in the boat (a good “play pen”) and watching the rest of us swim. At the second stop, we went wading and she enjoyed the ride on Dad’s shoulders.

It really was a great day. A few more weekends like this one and we may just decide we can “get out” around here.

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