Monday, June 25, 2007

11 days

That's how long it's been since I last posted. I even have friends e-mailing me to tell me to get back to it. It is funny how you can post for several days in a row, but if you just miss one then it is sometimes easy to just keep putting it off.

A friend of mine is posting daily until her twin boys turn 2 (just a couple of weeks to go). I was trying to keep pace with her, but as you can see I've fallen way behind. So, I'm committing to at least trying to post more frequently. I won't be here daily I'm sure, but I will try to come more frequently or at least post from my e-mail account.

I think I can do fairly well while I'm "off" for the summer, but I'm afraid once school starts back up again, I'll be dreadfully behind all of the time.

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