Sunday, June 10, 2007

The trouble with cars

is that the kids fall asleep in them at the worst times. You may remember a previous post of mine when both of my kids fell asleep in the car when I was making a trip to Lexington specifically to check out a store and to stop at the library to pick up some reserved materials. Mike wasn't with me; so, I ended up coming home without accomplishing much.

Today was a totally different story. Michael and I headed out to the Peddler's Market to look around for a few things. We took the bikes and the trailer with kids in it. When we got to the store the kids were asleep in the trailer. Now, if we'd been in the car one of us would have stayed with the sleeping kids and the other would have gone in to do the looking. Today, we just unhooked the trailer from the bike and both went right in the store. We got most of the looking done before Kenna woke up. Morgan didn't wake up until we had to shove her over so Kenna could get back in the trailer to go home.

All in all, our family had a wonderful relaxing day without the car. Ok, Mike did take the car to go bring his parents' dog here to play with our dogs while they (his parents) were out of town, but other than that it was another car-less day in the Hale household.

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